Final Tutorial: Coding an HTML5 Layout From Scratch
Ok... I know some of us are probably way past this stage. Maybe not... Since HTML5 is still developing there is possibly something in this tutorial that will be new to you. The reason I chose to do this tutorial is basically because I am still figuring out how to use HTML5 and what can be done with the tags. This HTML5 tutorial also includes some elements of graceful degradation and progressive enhancement. I've "borrowed" this tutorial I'm going to attempt to explain the steps for the HTML part in my own words for both yours and my own benefit. You can refer to the original for the CSS3 styling information. Just for the kicks, I've found a link to the W3C page which has all of the HTML5 tags. They've clearly labeled which ones are new and which ones are no longer supported.
So... When we're done with the tutorial our page SHOULD look something like this:
Here's the code sample we'll be working with:
If you broke the code down into a visual map of how it's laid out it would look like this:
Now... Let's start with the HEADER which is written in code as <. header .> .
The code for this section also includes the <. nav .> tag. The <. nav .> is the container where the menu is housed. Each navigational element is still coded as a <.ul.> or "unordered list" item You'll also notice the word "active" within the code. This is used to make a highlight over the word in the navigation menu that says which page you are on.
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