Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Class 02 Research Presentation Summaries

Summarize your in-class presentation points. This can be in an outline format. List resources and examples (as links when possible).

Stylesheets for different browsing environments-

I found that the most simple way to create a web page that is universally friendly is to use a type of CSS3  style sheet using max and min widths to switch between style sheets according to the width of the browser. Here a few examples of sites that use this technology:

Quick video explaining how it works

Also, I found a site that explains how to do this similarly using fluid images. It's a pretty cool site, definitely visit it and check out how it responds when you resize your browser. Here is the link.


Next I did some research on letting the user switch between style sheets much like the site css Zen Garden uses and i found that it is just a simple piece of javascript that allows different stylesheets to be applied to the same html.

Example of the javascript used.



The biggest change that is currently planned with CSS level 3 is the introduction of modules. The advantage to modules is that it allows the specification to be completed and approved more quickly. Each of these modules is making it's way through the W3C in various stages of the recommendation process. Example, an aural browser may be concerned only with aural styles, whereas a visual browser may care nothing for aural styles. CSS2 was submitted as a single document with all the Cascading Style Sheets information within it. Because each of the modules is being worked on individually, we have a much wider range of browser support for CSS3 modules.
The downside
  • Internet Explorer: 46% of Internet users won’t see these features, so don’t use them as a crucial part of the design of your website.
  • Invalid style sheets: These CSS3 features have not been released as a final specification.
  • Extra CSS markup: Having to add a different tag for each browser to specify the same rule.
  • Potentially horrific usage: so much new filter feature, people don’t need to through Photoshop any more. Too much filter effect together might become an ugly site.
Useful Link
Content Management Systems

Definition: A tool that allows a person, whether they be web-savvy or not, to "create, edit, and manage and finally publish...a variety of content (text, graphics, video, etc.) under a predetermined set of rules and limitations as set forth by the CMS" (like how Blogger is controlling my parameters right now)
  • In a shortened version, it's a series of templates in which to dump content and get it out on the web.
  • Also known as "dynamic websites"
Making it work (in the vaguest of terms):
  1. Finding webhosting space for your site
  2. Finding and downloading a CMS that works for you
  3. Building templates and parameters within that CMS so that an editor can throw their content into your site.
Helpful links:

Description of CMS
Top 10 Most Usable CMS's

Where I'm headed next: Diving into the architeture behind a CMS, examples of websites that use them (both large and small scale operations)


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