Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Web Design 2

Wednesday 9:00am – 11:35am and 1:00pm - 3:35pm
Mac Lab 1
Spring 2011

Zark Strasburger, Assistant Professor
E-mail: zstrasburger(at)mca{dot}edu
Office Phone: 901.272.5117
Office Hours: TBA
Office Location: Gibson Hall (New Admin Building), 1939 Poplar Ave

All classes start in Rust Hall in Mac Lab 1 at 9:00am unless otherwise instructed.

Course Description
DM360 stresses the conceptual and technical skills required for designing for the internet and rapidly changing media. The implications of education and personal development, in an ephemeral media and culture, will be researched, examined, and discussed. DM360 will refine the techniques of hand coding XHTML1 and CSS2.1, while augmenting these technologies with the emerging HTML5, CSS3, and Javascript tools and standards. Additionally, DM360 will introduce strategies for productive and effective design sequence and work process from an applied art perspective, with an awareness of user generated content and content managed development environments.

Course Thematics
DM360 investigates the question of how to learn for designing in a context of ephemerality and uncertainty.

Course Objectives
  • To develop the skills of an energetic disciplined auto didact (self-teacher)
  • To build fluency in HTML and CSS (including the emerging HTML5 and CSS3 standards)
  • To develop an introductory understanding of behavior through using Javascript libraries and frameworks
  • To develop independent multi-sourced research skills extending well beyond basic web searches
  • To contribute to the body of knowledge relating to emerging practices
  • To build web development management skills, including multi-site management, DNS routing, DNP sourcing, webhosting sourcing.
  • To continue developing a Web Standards-based approach to web design, using contemporary best-practices of separating content, presentation, and behavior
  • To develop web solutions which design for unpredictability (or how the World Wide Web differs from other media as a mode of dissemination of information)
  • To develop an intermediate understanding of the many roles played by web designers and developers
  • To develop fluency in hand coding for the Web in XHTML and CSS
  • To investigate the role of the internet and web design in contemporary culture
  • To investigate sub-disciplines including, but not limited to, production web coding, user interface design, information architecture, usability, accessibility, web graphics production, content development, semantics, content integration and site management
  • To further develop the skills to thoroughly critique web content and delivery

Students will practice communicating ideas in ways that demonstrate control and specificity by employing a Web Standards-based approach to web design and development. Web Design 2 will employ a hand-coding intensive approach to web design and development primarily using a variety of text editors and web browsers. Our primary graphic development tools will be hand-coded CSS, Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop. The course will focus on the conceptual development, research, work process, content structuring, visual design, and coding of internet content. Students will develop techniques for shepherding an idea from inception all the way to project presentation and beyond to live posting. This class will utilize linear design methodologies, common to the practice of graphic design (and IPC@MCA), in the context of web development. The role of function-oriented bias will be discussed in connection with critique of web content and design. Students will be asked to regularly review and evaluate the work of their peers and that of professional web designers. Students will be asked to anticipate the responses of different potential audiences as they create projects. Students will be encouraged to harness their own pre-existing technical skills and experience to serve their individual conceptual aims. Students will also be required to write and communicate through modern media fostering a broad digital awareness, competence, and professionalism. Accuracy and technique will be emphasized along with concept and process. Critique participation, writing and research will contribute to final evaluation, as will quizzes, design documents, design comps, coded pages, and completed sites.

Course Outline
Due to the small size of the class, the course will be run seminar style, with each individual directing an independent path of research culminating in a series of proposal driven projects. Common exercises will bolster independent work. Particular attention will be payed to HTML5, CSS3, Javascript frameworks (such as jQuery), CMS,and commercial internet design, development, and management.

Assignments & Requirements
Course work will include coding, image capture/production, sketching, writing, research, public speaking, documentation, project execution, project presentation, and critique. The first two segments of the semester will include a series of short narrowly focused projects, in-class exercises, and sizable weekly readings. The third segment of the semester will include a series of overlapping multi-week projects, and weekly readings. This course requires at least 6 hours of outside work each week. In addition to regular coursework, each student is required to keep a journal/log throughout the semester in the form of a weblog. Requirements for the maintenance of said weblog will be presented in class. Written work will be submitted in digital format (.doc or .docx) via e-mail or server posting. Students should check their MCA email accounts, student mailboxes, and course blogs frequently for assignment information and official course communication. Email communications and submission of written assignments should come from MCA addresses unless you are sure your non-MCA email address is in my address book (because mail from other addresses may be deleted by my spam filters). Written work should be posted to your class blog (or emailed to dm260{at}mca[dot]edu depending on the assignment) by the due date and time. The dm260{at}mca[dot]edu email address is only meant for the submission of digital homework. If you have questions for me, please email them to my zstrasburger(at)mca{dot}edu address. In order to verify receipt of emailed assignments you should cc: yourself when submitting work. Note: if you send your homework at the last minute the mail server may not time stamp until after the deadline at which point it is late.

Recommended textbook:
Transcending CSS: The Fine Art of Web Design, (Voices That Matter) by Andy Clarke and Molly E. Holzschlag New Riders Press; 1st edition (November 25, 2006) ISBN-10: 0321410971 ISBN-13: 978-0321410979

Additional required readings will be distributed via course blog links, handouts, email, or will be on reserve in the MCA library. Weekly required readings will be announced in class.

Evaluation and Grading Policy
Evaluation of student engagement in the class is separated into three primary categories. Process and development — How much progress did you make through the course of an assignment, as witnessed through the imaginative exploration of ideas and techniques? How thorough and involved is your process of working, including the extent and depth of ongoing research and self-evaluation? Product and resolution — To what extent does the final execution of your ideas and plans express your intended concept and content successfully? How clear and concise is the final integration of concept, technique, content, and format? Participation — How active are you, in terms of both quality and quantity, during critiques, discussions, and activities? Do you come to class prepared with all necessary materials and completed assignments? How fully are you engaged in all aspects of the class? Evaluating process, product, and participation are a means toward measuring overall student commitment. A committed student demonstrates a willingness to explore and experiment beyond what is already established, to take initiative and to exceed basic requirements and expectations. For example, a committed student tries many different ideas, takes calculated risks, and does not hesitate to do something over if it does not work the first time. Final grades and mid-term grades are determined in the following manner. Each assignment is coded as being primarily process, product, or participation oriented. The grades in each of these categories are then weighted and averaged. Note: a large component of the participation section is an overall participation assessment made by the faculty at mid-term and at the semester end. Process, product, and participation grades are then combined when determining final grades. The faculty additionally reserve the right to raise or lower your grade by a third of a letter based on improvement or degradation of commitment. An acceptable attendance record is a pre-requisite for receiving a passing grade; see the attendance policy below.

Grading System
Individual project/exercise grades will be assigned as letter grades, percentage grades, or the abbreviated check system. Mid-term and final grades will be assigned as traditional letter grades.

Late Assignments
A digitally submitted assignment is late if it is not present and time stamped by the due date and time. Physically submitted work is late if it is not wholly present at the due date and time (9:00am sharp at the beginning of class, unless otherwise specified). Late work will not be critiqued in class. Late assignments will automatically be graded down a full letter grade (10%).

Attendance Policy
Attendance and class participation are mandatory and graded. Students are responsible for terms, concepts, materials, techniques, and assignments presented in class. Poor attendance will be a detriment to one’s final grade. Attendance will be taken at 9AM and again at 1PM. Each morning and afternoon segment count as a separate session. Six (6.0) absences (for any reason) will result in failure of the course. Any more than four (4.0) absences will result in the loss of one full letter on your course grade. Partial absences and lateness count toward your attendance. If you arrive late do not disturb the class already in progress. Leaving class early will be counted as late arrival. Two late arrivals are equal to one full absence. There are no such things as “excused” or “unexcused” absences. I assume all reasons for missing class are good ones: I do not need or want them explained. If you miss a class, you are still responsible for the class content and assignments, and should seek the help of your fellow students to catch up on course content. The class will move rapidly therefore, missing class will have a decidedly negative effect on your ability to absorb, understand, and practice the course content. Please plan to attend all classes.

Materials and Supplies
Required materials and supplies include the following: Pad of sketch paper - 8.5” x 11” or larger – (nothing fancy) Writing/Drawing implements of choice (pencils, pens, markers) 2 Gb (min) USB flash drive or other portable file storage device While I do not require that you own a digital camera, I require that you have regular access to one. I believe that the digital camera has become a necessity for artists. A digital camera is one of the best tools for recording visual information quickly, accurately, and cheaply.

Learning Accommodations
I will try to make reasonable accommodations for students with documented learning disabilities. Please inform me of any relevant learning disability for which you are requesting accommodation by the end of the first day of class. For more information on procedures and requirements for alternate learning accommodations and college services for students with disabilities please refer to the Student Handbook.

School and Class Policies
I will not tolerate academic dishonesty (cheating, plagiarism, etc.) in any form. Please refer to the Student Handbook for detailed information on this and other school policies. Ignorance of the policies listed in this syllabus or in the Student Handbook does not constitute a valid defense for failure to follow said policies.

Additional Class Policies
  • Do not eat or drink in the labs
  • No cell phones calls in class
  • No headphones in class during lecture, demonstration, or discussion
  • Non-class related computer activities such as random surfing, IMing individuals outside our class, checking email, facebook, myspace or similar activities will not be tolerated. If you are found in violation of this policy you will be asked to leave for the day and you will be credited with an absence.

Six Important Things to Remember
  1. Your first idea is rarely your best idea.
  2. The ability to follow instructions accurately is an essential life skill.
  3. Something is better than nothing.
  4. It is more important to be able to ask the right question than to know the right answer.
  5. Risk-taking paired with committed effort is more important than a specific outcome or product. Taking an intellectual risk and coming up short is more educational than having a safe “right” answer.
  6. Don’t bang your head against a wall forever; ask a friend for help. Fresh eyes can often solve a seemingly unsolvable issue.

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