Sunday, March 6, 2011

Reminder of Midterm Points of Evaluation

HTML/CSS Templates
  • liquid single column layout with header and footer
  • fixed-width single column layout with header and footer
  • elastic single column layout with header and footer
  • liquid two equal-width column layout with header and footer using floats
  • fixed-width two equal-width column layout with header and footer using floats
  • elastic two equal-width column layout with header and footer using floats
  • liquid two equal-width column layout with header and footer using absolute positioning
  • fixed-width two equal-width column layout with header and footer using absolute positioning
  • elastic two equal-width column layout with header and footer using absolute positioning

Ugly Stylesheet – an antidote to dull defaults: See earlier post.

Research postings: quantity, quality, and presentation
  • overall volume or quantity of research (on blog): A-F
  • overall quality of research (on blog): A-F
  • coherence and quality of class presentation – verbal: A-F
  • coherence and quality of blog presentation – written: A-F

Event Site – 2 different aesthetic styles each deployed for 4 settings using media queries: 2 nearly identical HTML pages, which differ only in the style sheets they call. Each HTML page pulls four (4) style sheets (of a common aesthetic) to deliver content to:
  • full screen (larger browser window)
  • narrow screen (smaller browser window)
  • iphone/ipod touch
  • blackberry

Faux/Fake/Satire/Spoof Site: Build a site which emulates another web site. The purpose of this project is to help you visually and technically analyze other works for the purpose of creating your own. Much of the time we emulate work we have already seen. This is an opportunity to learn from the aesthetics, content, and coding techniques of those whose work you respect and or enjoy. At a base level you are making a close duplicate of another site (only one page needed). At a more advanced level you are taking to opportunity to twist the copy to your purposes of humor, satire, and or socio-political commentary.
  • working single page model (HTML/CSS)
  • use it as an opportunity to do further technical research into aesthetics, techniques, and content which intrigue you. So feel free to develop your understanding of how to deliver Structure (HTML), Presentation (CSS), and Behavior (Javascript and other scripted activity).

Competitive Audit Analysis Paper: Research the design idioms used in contemporary social and or political advocacy sites:
  1. Write a 2 page minimum text length (double spaced) paper detailing the trends in non-commercial advocacy-oriented site design on the web.
  2. Questions to consider and answer:
    • What are the common visual and content structures?
    • What designs and design strategies stand out from the crowd in your mind as good design? Why?
    • What common practices are getting a bit worn out? Why?
    • Is ‘looking different’ a liability or a selling point? Why?
    • How do these sites as a group differentiate themselves from commercial sites? Are they using the same paradigm? How so?
    • How do these site use heuristic and didactic methods to reach their audiences?
    • What kind of user are these sites pitched to? Uniformed or informed users? What is there purpose? Mobilization, education, fund raising, or other? How are these different needs prioritized?
  3. Illustrate your paper points with relevant screen captures from the web (mark up [with ‘pen’] if useful for clarification)
  4. Create a site source link list (minimum 25 sites)
  5. Submit as a single file (in .doc, .docx, .pdf, .ppt, or .pptx format)

Class Attendance

Class Participation

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