Sunday, March 6, 2011

The WP Dashboard

Welcome to the WordPress dashboard...well, a screenshote of it. As you can see, it is a little different from Blogger's, but it works quite the same.

On the left is a set of navigation of where you can go to create and modify the inner workings of your site.  The "Posts" section is where you can go to do what we do on Blogger, which is basically plug in some content and post it quick. "Pages" allows you to go in and create multiple pages for your site (as I have gone in and made an About and Let's Talk About Stuff pages). Appearance is the big kahuna when it comes to editing how your site will look, as it is where the CSS Editor exists. "Plug-ins" is where your you can go in and edit the widgets you want to show and not show on your site, as well as download more for your site. "Media" is where you can go in and add images to be used on your site (especially in using on your CSS editor).

The "Right Now" section gives you a quick overview of your site (i.e. how many pages you have, how many posts you have, how many comments, etc.) There is also a QuickPress section that allows you to add a post right when you log-in without having to go into your Posts section. It comes very handy for the eventual admin's of the site (company heads, etc.) who just want to come in and add content every once and a while.

There's a quick overview of the dashboard. I will go into detail on the Pages and Posts shortly.

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